
Not much is logged by default. To enable additional logging, copy the debug_sample.py file in the top-most directory to debug.py. Uncomment the loggers to see the following information:

Logger Description
pin.coil Firing of coils/solenoids
pin.command Command received from a web client
pin.data Loading and saving of persistant state
pin.dmd Dot-matrix stack, queue, and overlay handling
pin.event Global event queue
pin.gi General illumination lights
pin.keyboard Key down and up events
pin.handler Lifecycle events of the game handlers that implement the modes of the game
pin.lamp Lamp activitiy. Light shows are not logged as these can be excessive.
pin.magic Shows if switch events are accepted, rejected, or trigger by a given magic sequence
pin.mixer Music and sounds being played
pin.resources Loading of resource assets
pin.server Lifecylce events for the web server
pin.shows Lifecycle of scripted events to be shown to the user
pin.sim Simulator activity as balls move around
pin.switch Physical switches